Over the past year, I have been working with some fellow Portlanders to capture the stories behind our city's food cart revolution. The work has now been compiled into a book by Kelley Roy and Kelly Rodgers named
Cartopia, Portland's Food Cart Revolution.
The book looks into the history or carts, the demographics, the owner's stories and yes, the food. I contributed along with Paul Gerald from Breakfast in Bridgetown, Carol Mayer Reed and Michael Reed from Mayer/Reed, Kelly and Kelley, and Andrew Burdick, our awesome photographer. I enjoyed taking the extra time to interview cart owners and delve further into the background as to why they opened a cart and the trials and tribulations throughout the years. There are some wonderful stories out there in food cart land.
The book is coming out in October and you can pre-order it now from
PortlandFoodCartsbook.com. I understand Powell's will also be stocking it once it is in print.